
  • Pagan Sabbats

    Paganism is an earth-centered spiritual tradition that celebrates the cycles of nature. The Wheel of the Year is a calendar that Pagans use to mark...
  • Using Rain water

    Since it hasn't stopped raining here in NY, we're going to talk rainwater. Rainwater has been used in magical practices for centuries by various cu...
  • Spiritual Energy & Choosing Herbs for Workings

    The spiritual energy of an herb is important in magical work because it is believed to be an essential aspect of its effectiveness and potency. Man...
  • Herbs in magical workings

    For thousands of years, humans have worked with herbs for both medicinal and magical purposes. The power of herbs lies not only in their physical p...
  • Candle Magic

    In the world of magic and mysticism, few practices are as enchanting and accessible as candle magic. Dating back centuries, candle magic is a form ...
  • Writing a petition

    Writing a spellwork petition is a deeply personal and sacred process. It involves crafting a written statement of intention or desire that will be ...
  • Spiritual Self Care

    In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind and neglect our spiritual well-being. We often prioritize ph...
  • Wtf is Distance Reiki then?

    In today's world, it's pretty amazing how technology has made it possible for us to connect with people and energies from all over the place. Dista...
  • Wtf is Reiki?!

    Reiki, a Japanese healing technique that promotes relaxation and stress reduction, has gained widespread popularity in recent years. Its gentle app...
  • Wtf is Reiki? An Overview

    In a world where stress and tension seem to be constant companions, finding solace and rejuvenation is paramount for maintaining a balanced and hea...
  • Spring time and Ostara

    Hey there! As we bid goodbye to the chilly winter days and welcome the warmth and beauty of spring, Ostara, a pagan festival, comes around to mark ...
  • Ancestors and Connecting to them

    There are several rituals and practices in Hoodoo that are specifically geared towards honoring one's ancestors. Here are a few suggestions to inco...